According to the theory formulated by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, synchronicities are "significant coincidences" that have a special meaning for the individual who experiences them. It is important to note that they manifest themselves in a significant and unusual way, without any apparent causal connection, and that they often give rise to an intense feeling of joy.
The analysis of synchronicities is a phenomenon that defies rational explanation. Some people see them as quantum phenomena, while others see them as signs or messages from the universe. They may manifest themselves to indicate a direction to follow in research or to confirm an intuition.
As far as "significant synchronicities" are concerned, they are characterized by their rarity, their relevance (unique or repeated), and their exceptional nature. In some cases, the probability of their occurrence is so low that it's impossible to doubt their relevance.
Everyone can access synchronicities. There are, however, a number of prerequisites that not everyone can decide to acquire in the moment. Various authors have written about these prerequisites. Let's take a look at the 9 criteria of physicist Philippe Guillemant, which precisely describe the state of mind we were in when the most significant synchronicities occurred, leading to major discoveries for us: