Unified Field

Mystics and sages have long known that there is a cosmic field that connects everything to everything in the depths of reality, a field that stores and transmits information. This field is known as the "Akashic Field" or, henceforth, the "Unified Field", a less spiritual terminology, but the same thing. Recent discoveries in quantum physics indicate that it is real and has its equivalent in the Zero-Point Field that underlies space as such.

This field consists of a subtle sea of fluctuating energies from which everything arises: atoms, galaxies, stars, planets, living beings, and even consciousness. This zero-point field, or A-field, is the constant, eternal memory of the universe. It contains the data of everything that has ever happened on Earth and in the cosmos, and correlates it with everything that is yet to come (according to Ervin László).


Under certain conditions, a trained mind can access certain information stored in this information field.